For the last couple of years, home workouts have become the “new norm”. Gym-goers were obliged to complete their fitness routine at home and even without access to any fitness equipment. However, despite returning to normal life, going to the gym has become a daunting task for most people. The hectic workloads, tight schedules, and never-ending errands have made it difficult to stick to a workout routine at the gym.

Hence, the idea of a home workout has become more appealing. But is it really worth a try?

 The answer is simple: yes, it is! In fact, you can get a good and effective workout anywhere; be it at the gym, at home, or in your backyard. As long as you plan your workouts, and set goals, nothing can stand your way. But if you are not self-motivated, you will fall into the trap of silly chores; like when you suddenly remember that you have to do the dishes, dust the T.V., or paint your nails!! There are thousands of excuses at home that might help you skip your fitness routine, so put your heart and soul into your workouts and channel your inner beast!

However, you can consult our personal trainers at My Coach to elevate your home workouts and get the most out of them.

How does it work?

Of course, many of you will wonder: how does it work? Shall I build an entire gym at home? But what if I don’t have enough space? Don’t worry, you don’t need any complicated equipment or a spacious room. Your own body weight can replace all the cardiovascular equipment and might be more effective. Push-ups, squats, lunges, stair climbs, planks, and triceps dips can do the trick! You can even benefit from your multistory apartment/ home by running or walking up and down the stairs a few times per day. This exercise will strengthen your legs and leave your heart pumping. You can even maintain your cardiovascular activity by riding your bike or swimming. Now if you are wondering what items can replace TRX machines, dumbbells, and a mat, rest assured that towels and water bottles can do the talking. Instead of gripping a TRX handle, close the door over the edge of the towel and grip its loose end. You can also fill up two water bottles to replace the dumbbells. In case you don’t have a gym mat, layer up a few towels for floor exercises.  

However, if you have enough space and you want to invest in training equipment, opt for a stability ball, dumbbells or kettlebells, heart rate monitor, workout bench, TRX, and a fitness mat.

Is it safe?

In order to keep ineffective workouts at bay and prevent serious injuries, it is better to consult an expert before you dive into any workout. In fact, our personal trainers at My Coach are always ready to accompany you on your fitness journey from the comfort of your home. They will guide you, help you achieve your fitness goals, and motivate you to keep going!

 Moreover, creating a safe space for your home workouts should be your main concern. Stay away from pointy edges and avoid working out on a slippery wooden floor.

A good fitness routine has nothing to do with a “place”. If you are willing to push yourself beyond the limit and work out with the same intensity and duration, home workouts can be as effective as gym workouts; and even more!